Sunday, August 23, 2009

Tag & a note...

OK, so my 8 year old g/son is here the other day and we are
discussing what he might be when he grows up. He informs
me that one of the things he's going to be is a Lesbian. WHAT???
He says that his friend told him that if you are Gay, then you
like boys but if you like girls then you are guessed it...
a Lesbian. So, the logic to him was... I told him that before
he goes to school and tells this little story that he should have
a talk with his mom and ask her to explain it to him the right way.
No way was I touching that one.
(no offense meant to anyone)


  1. I don't think that's offensive, Joyce...just one of the funny things that kids can say! That's hilarious. I think you made the right move in saying, "Ask your Mom about it." LOL

  2. Good for you, you handled it correctly but isn't it funny what kids think and say?

  3. G'ma you handled it great....must have thrown you for a loop tho...too funny...

  4. I agree you handled that beautifully. I would have had a hard time keeping from laughing.

  5. Oh he had his own logic going. lol

  6. I look forward to a followup entry where you get to find out what the "talk" was all about :o)

  7. hahahahahaha I just about fell out of my chair!


    - Christopher


  8. That's hilarious! Kids are so literal. Aren't you glad that conversation came up now so mom can help him get it straight and not later?

  9. Oh geez!!!! Why can't they stay kids a little longer???

  10. Wait a minute. I'm a guy and I like girls. What am I?

  11. Joyce, That is a terrible things to say to another friend.I have no intenting touching that one myself. He should talk to his mother about that one. I never learned those words at that age. Kids are just bullying around and making in front of him. He still young. You take care and hope things work out. Nancy

  12. (((((((((((((((JOYCE))))))))))))))I almost fell off of my bed.I cant belive kids theeses days,wel,yeah I can.But you handelded it very good.

  13. just rediscovered your journal. Thank you for sharing.
    Barb (
